Thread: Game Of Gods...
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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-06-2014, 01:53 PM

Whether or not you believe in destiny doesn't matter. This is a game of choices, a roleplay at that, and yes it is open as long as the slots show there is an open slot. When someone dies off you may return to put in another request to start over again, OR someone else can take your spot automatically. I prefer you to be active when posting otherwise I shall make this in the land of Gaia as well. So let us begin shall we?

Chapter One:

A young woman walks into a bland shadow themed room where the five of you are standing. There is a eerie sound off to the background as a chill fills the air giving you goosebumps feeling like ice. Each of you are different from the rest, that much is obvious, and you begin to wonder more about why you are here. You didn't ask to be here, you were taken (kidnapped), tricked, or threatened into coming here. "My name is Karen Oswalt, as shown on your faces you must be wondering why you are here. Let me explain" the woman took a brief moment to look at the others in the room.

Then she began to speak once more "You all were just infants at the time to be born in order for us to play a game of gods. Hold all questions until the very end of this game by the way." She held her hand up so no one would ask any questions "Now you are locked on the property until you make the correct choices to get out, alive. You may try to leave now, but that means you would lose your life and my dears this is far too early now. If you survive or win you will get more than you bargained for. Now be careful of your choices and your wishes you will be forced to make. Stay as a group or single out, it is your choice, good luck" Karen stood mostly in the shadows so you couldn't see her appearance and only was heard as a voice.

With the final words spoken she disappeared into the shadows no longer there leaving everyone alone. So you're on an unknown property that appears to be a large estate like mansion. What do you do?

1) Explore the house...
2) Talk to the others...
3) Scream hysterically...

SIDE NOTE: We all survived all these years without high technology so to be fair your electronics will not work. Not even digital watches, the house is powered by a water mill, and wind mills. They're stocked up on energy for quite some time though that could change depending if a storm rolls in. ALSO ALSO ALSO QUOTE each number please with the choice.

Last edited by Immy; 08-16-2014 at 01:15 AM..