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The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 05-17-2017, 02:36 AM

The ship lands near an oasis a little ways outside the city. The doors open and our team of party seekers steps off the ship.
Xeox: A pleasant climate for a walk.
Yumeh: The sand will get in my paw pads.
Cecilia: I'll carry you 'till we get there!
Without wasting a moment, Yumeh jumps into Cecilia's arms. Their voices echo beyond the palm trees. A Mysterious stranger listens in.
Boq Boq: My antennae are twitchy...
Xeox: Mine as well.
Boq Boq: I think we're being watched...
Yumeh: All I can smell is sand.
The palm leaves rustle. A tall, womanly figure steps out before them.
Neith Kem Halt! State your business! No one ever comes to this Oasis!
Cecilia: Lapis?
Neith Kem: Who? Answer the question.
Cecilia: Um...
Yumeh: She's on to us. Cheese it!
Yumeh, suddenly unconcerned about sandy paws, wiggles out of Cecilia's arms and takes off towards the city.
Cecilia: You're so fast! Wait for me!
Xeox: Not again!
Xeox and Cecilia run after the flighty beast. Boq Boq, on the other hand, was hatching a scheme to distract Neith...

Boq Boq: So you saw us come out of nowhere, huh?
Neith Kem: Yes. How did you-
Boq Boq: Do you like useless rocks? I-I mean...precious jewels?
Neith Kem: Well, yeah...who doesn't?
Boq Boq: This little stone doesn't look like much, but if you squeeze it like so...
A glittering gold necklace draped in colorful gems appears.
Neith Kem: Wow.
Boq Boq: Just think of a style and type of material and it'll change its shape to match your thoughts. You can have this little trinket...if you don't tell anyone about what you saw here today. Ever. Deal?
Neith Kem: You got it!
Boq Boq: Great! Well gotta go.
Boq Boq starts running after the group, giggling to himself how easily humans are to placate with stones. If only they knew.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 08-15-2017 at 09:31 PM..