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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-14-2011, 03:00 AM

On an island surrounded on three sides from channels from the Nile river, a temple with trees around and within. A soft melody lifted through the air. In the Pre-dawn light you could see stone walls, carven with figues and a few statues dotted around. Within the center of the square like temple is a image of a Goddess, Bastet. And next to the image a figure reaching out and pulling backwards their arms across a harp.

Once the sun peeked over the eastern horizon the soothing melody stopped. Ain looked towards the east to see the sun beginning to spread it's warmth and joy. She smiled thinking of the gods ancient and new who were associated with it. Turning to the image of her Mother and Goddess Ain gracefully lowered herself onto the floor and bowed her upper body down to the ground, her forehead resting on her hands. Shortly after she rose, and pranced daintily off towards one of the many pedestals and grabbed a headdress of Isis. The way it was made will allow her ears to be hidden comfortably. Attached to the top of the headdress, running down her hair were golden strings with beads. Just before walking out Ain curled her tail around her waist and wrapped silky knee length material around her waist, tucking the end between her tail and skin. The humans did not know of her kind or any of the gods children yet. And it has been so for many centuries.

Side ways glancing she saw Bastet, behind her image surrounded by cats as always. "I'm off Mother, I hope my song has pleased you." Ain said softly as she smiled, and backed out of the temple onto a stone paved road heading east to the Market Place. If you followed this road all the way through to the end it would led you to another temple. Ain was off to one of her favorite merchant booths. He was the best when it came to jewelery of all kinds and images among other things he specialized in. Once Ain got there she couldn't help but over hear the human named after the god Horus. He was always angry, the day she'd be worried about him was when he wasn't angry. "What has angered him this time?" Stepping off to the side so people won't have to walk around her she watched intently the event between him and his slave. Ain had come to look just in time when he glared at something on the ground. Curious, she looked to see it was the palace cat Zahur. Out of the things she could do, she just lowered her brows in a barely noticeably scowl. How dare he glare at one of the many children of Bastet, and there's something about it that just boils my blood. Oh I wish I could know what he was thinking. Ain thought as Horus looked back at Cena and dragged her away, not stopping despite a odd limp.

Ain closing her eyes for a moment turned back around and walked up to the Jewelry stand eyeing a cat necklace. It was much like a miniature version of her own with a tiny cat face in the middle.


As always Aqer was up and ready with the sun, he grabbed some merchandise and hauled it over to his masters booth in the marketplace. Once he setup most of the merchandise in the way he was instructed he looked up to see a snake slithering in the sand between the road towards one of the booths across from him. Thankfully it wasn't anything to be worried about like a Egyptian Cobra. Aqer walked around the booth, stepping around potential buyers and kneeled down to pick up the snake by it's neck, watching as it's body curled around his wrist and forearm. Darting out its' tongue as it turned its head with what mobility Aqer left it to look at him. Mesmerized, he stood up just when someone who wasn't paying attention backed up into him pushing him onto the ground.

Careful, he kept the arm with the snake in the air. "Hey!" Aqer muttered, knowing better then to speak out. He got up to meet the one who pushed him. "It's you again" Aqer told the man as his free hand touched his face. The man grinned, and grabbed the arm that the snake was on. Aqer didn't have time to warn him, but it was just as well deserved. The snake, disturbed by the sudden movement coiled around the other mans hand onto his arm. Aqer couldn't help but laugh at the mans reaction. He flailed, and the snake dropped to the floor to slither off into the distance. Screaming the man walked into the crowd. Aqer walked away silently to see his Master. His smile immediately faded, but the humor was still in his face. "I know..."

The young man started polishing the jewelry, when a young lady in a tube styled dress came up. He watched and waited to see if she would choose something but it seems her cat shooed her away from the booth. He watched her go before resuming his duties. Once he was finished he stepped aside to let his master handle his business. When another dashing figure popped up, he put on his goofy grin and stood next to the booth. "Ah, I see you have nice taste. This one--" Aqer pointed to a golden collar painted with blues and green. "I designed myself after visiting Bastets' temple and looking at the cat statues.. I was inspired. Do you like it?"

"I do, and how much will it be? I would love to purchase it." The woman, with the Isis headdress smiled.

Oh happy days!!

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 10-14-2011 at 05:21 AM.. Reason: minor grammer/spelling changes