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Parchment, Ink, and Tea
ClockworkLupine is offline
Old 01-02-2014, 07:49 PM

~~♥*{ CL's Organic Memory Preserves circa. 2014 }*♥~~


I, like many people, am guilty of focusing too much on the negative and not enough on the positive. There is so much to be grateful for in our lives but at times we are so scared of the darkness we fear will overtake us, we forget about the beacons of light that dot our paths. The most tragic thing I've ever seen is someone refusing to even consider that just one light shines for them.

No, nothing is perfect. But even when things seem their darkest, that's when you need to find that glimmer of hope the most. Even if it's just the fact that you are an intelligent being. Having to potential to grasp knowledge is huge for as the saying goes, 'knowledge is power'. Indeed it is. So being able to find and absorb it is definitely something to be grateful for.

All that being said, I'll be using this thread to document positive things that happen to me as often as I can. Even if it's just little things. Little things that are good add up just as much as the bad ones. So welcome along to my year-long journey. Feel free to watch and read along as I go through 2014 with my thoughts, encouragements for everyone, and positive things that make each day a bit brighter.

May Your 2014 Be Better Than You Imagined Possible!


P.S.: If you do want to comment or chat with me about what I post here, feel free to send me a PM or a Visitor's Message on my profile. :)
♥ ♥ ♥

Last edited by ClockworkLupine; 01-04-2014 at 04:30 AM..