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is currently looking for a good freelance-type RP
VIEW FROM ABOVE is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 10:25 PM

"Warriors assemble!"

Immediately after Jazereth's sharp cry, all the nearby warriors snapped to attention. They were ready so quickly, you might not have even had time to blink. Of course that was no surprise if you were familiar with the pack. Sure training was back-breaking and rigorous, the trainers were harsh, but the results were clear. The fire pack's warriors were absolutely impeccable. Shifting back into her human form, the dirt being stirred up around her feet slightly, Cheza moved swiftly with her fellow fighters into the alpha's tent.

"I have bad news. The water Elemental's secrets have been attempted to be stolen."

Several gasps and whispers of alarm were heard. Instinctively, Cheza's scarlet eyes narrowed. For as long as she knew, the secrets of the different packs had been kept secret. Relations were kept peaceful - as peaceful as possible anyway - when it came to dealing with the elements. Who could have done such a thing?

"The villain was found and disposed of quickly and efficiently before any of the secrets could be touched."

The wolves seemed to relax at this.

Cheza raised her head slightly to speak, though she didn't look Jazereth in the eyes out of respect. "Miss, if you don't mind me asking, who exactly did this?"

ooc: >< Kind of a late reply. Sorry!

Last edited by VIEW FROM ABOVE; 04-24-2012 at 10:48 PM..