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Closet Shadow
Goblin Inkorperated ;P
Closet Shadow is offline
Old 03-11-2009, 03:58 PM

*looks about the thread*
Doesn't seem like anyone bothered to post a request...
I guess I get first post :3

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Death's Cathedral
Link to Roleplay: Death's Cathedral
Quick Summary/Plot: All those who have searched out this dark place, have either been in great despair, or very brave. Most of those who enter the cathedral rarely leave. Some say it is Eden on the inside. Others say Death itself comes and takes your soul. But both assumptions are wrong, for within Death's Cathedral is only a maze. Up and down. Left to right. A never ending maze of hallways and rooms with only one man with the map on his person. This youth has kept the map secret for thousands of years, for he is immortal. But with immortality comes a price; the youth can never leave the cathedral. And so he brings forth those who might keep him company towards the dark palace using their fears, despairs, bravery, and foolishness. No one yet knows the reason why those who enter the cathedral near never leave, and that is what keeps them coming back
Creator of Roleplaly: Closet Shadow
Genre: Fantasy
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Semi-Lit
Link to OOC Thread: N/A
Other: Always welcoming new RPers.