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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-05-2015, 11:02 PM

I'm pretty bad with math, haha!

Oh yeah, I know plenty of older people like that who have energy. It's nice to see them so alive despite their age!

Haha! I wish I was a bit more smooth in social situations. I'm pretty shy IRL so it's kind of hard for me to talk to people and such.

Ah yeah, that must have been a really hard situation for you but I'm glad you were both able to come out of it with hopefully more than what you went in with! And ROFLLL! Boys will be boys. XD

Uuuh, I haven't made anything yet but I'm thinking chicken with fried rice and asparagus...

Yay! They have some pretty nice pictures on there.

Also I'm totally not ignoring you in the other thread, I just haven't gotten the chance to pop over there yet.