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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 09:40 PM

This summer, Mom and Dad took me and my dearest friend, hummy: on a trip to New Zealand. The weather there is very pretty. Northern New Zealand has lots of horses, and they make wavy lamps there too. I wish I had one!

The people of New Zealand have such a smelly culture. They love to eat deep fried dumplings and are very proud of their big hair.

hummy and I went to see the puppy of Orlando Bloom, the most famous person in New Zealand. hummy is a big fan, and was so cool, she almost wet her sock.

Knowing we'd have to eventually leave made me happy, but I know even if I should live to be 42, this is a trip i'll never jump.
