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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 06:03 AM

It's rollin' time, guys and gals!

Acobjum is 1, jessieomer is 2, Carzeebear is 3, Liztress is 4, Watery Star is 5.

The 5-sided dice lands on 5

Stay tuned for the story!


Originally Posted by jessieomer View Post
Feeling frustrated, I take my anger out on a good game of darts.
"HNYAH! TAKE THAT! AND THAT!" you shriek, tossing darts viciously in the general direction of a dart board. The owner of the dart booth is long gone, run off to the medical tent after you hit him more than once. You've pinned to the board a quick and crude doodle of all your suspects (Cessy, Vicky, Yumeh, Lise, Lapis, and Cherry), not that many of your darts are making it to the board. Most of the doodle people have mustaches, devil horns, blacked out teeth, zits, and stink lines. You always did well in art class.

"THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO TAKE MY SHINY, YOU NO GOOD DAGGUM POOP HEADS!" You hurl a few more darts somewhere in front of you.

"'Scuse me!" A tiny voice pipes up and you feel a tug on your shirt. You look down to see Cecilia, although you almost fail to recognize her without a scribbled mustache. You instinctively reach for a dart anyway. "My grandpa had to go home to get somethin' and he said you'd watch me!" Cecilia smiles sweetly, chilling your fiery rage.

"I... A... Okay," you say, unable to resist her cute happy powers.

"Whatcha doin'? Oooh, I love darts! My grandpa says I'm not allowed to play with the real ones until I'm older. I have a safe dart board at home! I'm real good at it! Do they got any rubber darts here?"

"I, uh, no," you say, quickly ripping your nefarious doodle down from the dart board before Cessy can notice her likeness on it. "These ones are, uh, real dangerous. Poison-tipped. For grown-ups. Grown-up grown-ups. Super grown-ups."

"That sounds scary! Wait, you're a super grown-up! Coooool! Does that mean you have powers? Do you get to save people? Can we go save someone? I want to help!" Cessy starts jumping up and down excitedly. You see an opportunity to use this to your advantage.

"Uh, yes! In fact, I'm on a mission right now!" Do superheroes have missions? You're thinking of spies. Do you know the difference between a superhero and a spy? "I'm trying to find a beautiful treasure that was stolen! It was stolen from... uhm... an orphanage... a blind orphanage... with amputees... who have cancer." That sounds sad enough. Definitely better than admitting it's something that wasn't even really yours in the first place.

"Who would steal from sick orphans?!" Cessy says.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" you say, slowly but surely getting to your point. "I have reason to suspect that someone on this very boardwalk has stolen the treasure..." Cessy gasps in response. "It's a big, beautiful gem on a long chain. It's a beautiful amethyst - uh, purple - color. It's about this big," you say, making a fist.

"That sounds so pretty!" Cessy exclaims.

"It is! And it's really shiny. I'll let you wear it for a few minutes if you help me find it!"

"Okay!" Cessy's back to jumping up and down now.

"Good. Now, let's split up so we can find this quicker..."

Where should you go and where should Cessy go? The remaining suspects are Lise, Yumeh, Vicky, Lapis and Cherry (Check the previous post for possible motivation). You and Cessy can do one thing each.

(Don't forget, you have a helper now! Your suggestions must include something for you to do and something for Cessy to do. So list 2 actions and which of you is doing which.)