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Purple Peril
Channah is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 07:15 PM

Charity Mule Rules

Here are some things that you need to remember if you wish to use a dedicated mule to make the running of a charity easier for yourself:
  • First and foremost; please do NOT create a charity mule without first being given permission by the staff.
  • If your charity thread has more than 200 pages, you must create a charity mule.
  • The mule must be for charity use only. It cannot be used for personal use.
  • If you post or play games on it the gold earned must go to your charity.
  • If you collect event items or free commemorative items on it they must go to the charity.
  • If you want to sell items from your main/mule to your charity account instead of just donating them, then you cannot charge your charity more than store/current mpg value.
    The real world term for this kind of practice is embezzlement; we don't take kindly to that kind of thing here so if you do it you will get a ban for scamming.
Basically you have to treat your charity mule as totally separate from your own account(s). You cannot use it as a third account to collect items or to earn gold for yourself as this is in direct violation of our rules. Once items or gold are earned by or sent to the charity mule they must stay on that account and can only be used for the charity.

UPDATE! 10/4/10: It is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED that Charity owners open an Exchange thread/Marketplace shop with their Charity mule to be used solely for Charity business. This is now allowed in the Exchange forum. Keeping your Charity separate from your personal funds is of utmost importance.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 10-23-2012 at 06:09 PM..