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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 08:33 PM

Snow merely watched in amusement as he was given the folder. "I'm surprised he's lasted this long. It says here that he only lasted until -15 last time." The doctor looked back to the window in time to catch the boy burst into flames. John merely leaned back in his chair again to watch the show. The experiments of the facility wouldn't get out. They couldn't: whoever made them had the power to control them. The scientists knew the experimental strengths and weaknesses of every super-human within the facility.
Standing, Snow moved toward the man who was pressing the safety buttons. He was controlling the temperature of the room. "Impressive. When he's been given sedative, I want to examine him." Yukio had previously been checked out by another scientist. Snow wanted to check the phoenix out himself: he was more advanced in the doctoring field than most people that worked there.
Flipping through the files he'd been given, John sighed with impatience. "Someone come get me when he's unconscious." He left (much to the relief of those trying to concentrate) when Yukio returned to his human form. He couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's words. Good luck, kid.

Striding down the corridor he heard a bit of commotion. As usual, someone in the asylum was having a bit of trouble with their patient. Snow frowned as he heard someone cry out in pain. He might not be a sympathic kind of person, but he wouldn't let someone go without medical attention. Grumbling something unpleasant under his breath the tall man turned his steps toward the lab room.
He was surprised to see a bit of wreckage: there was a turned over chair and a woman clutching her hand. Others messed with the controls to an automatic door in vain. Apparently the experiment had managed to get inside: he was being a rather disobedient creature.
"Cut the power," Snow snarled at the nearest scientist. As the man ran off to do just that, the doctor looked to Tabia with a dark frown on his face. "What happened?" His cold hands immediately moved to start inspecting the woman's burned hand. Whispering to himself a diagnostic about the damage (as was his habit, though he'd deny it), he sighed. "This is a horrid burn. Did that one," he nodded toward the sealed door, "do this?"

((:XD Still waiting to add Sarah in. I'll do it later, when we need a new character to have. There are too many experiments running around right now. :lol:))