Thread: Shot Me Down
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Old 06-08-2014, 06:20 AM

Andrew sighed and closed his eyes, trying and failing to see himself accurately hold a gun. A shotgun looked too big for him, and any type of pistol just seemed clunky in his long-fingered hands. Perhaps he had the perfect hands for a small gun, and that terrified him even more. "Fine." He sighed, reaching into the little bowl in his hand and sucking the liquid from his fingers. "But I tried to warn you." Inside he grimaced at the idea of hurting Joey without realizing it. Misfiring, or dropping it and letting it go off.

Setting the bowl aside, near the fire, Andrew stretched and grimaced at the pull on his back. "Ah... Joey... Do you think they should be checked again?" He worried about his wounds' healing process. Especially the one that had been infected. And when he moved, the stitches pulled uncomfortably, but not overly painful. He was just glad Joey was around to help, even if he used the threat of abandonment too much to set Andrew's conscious at ease.