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happydeath is offline
Old 07-25-2014, 11:59 PM

As Ryosuke continued to walk out of the chambers and made his way down the large halls of the station. He had heard the question come up from Sakura about how if he had to go on the mission. Turning his head over his shoulders lightly towards her as he heard her question, he had given a concerned frown about how she seemed sadden about the fact that he had to leave. Stopping in his tracks as he turned to face her, he tilted his head lightly before shaking his head a bit. "Well, I dont have to go. They can get another person to take my place, if you wish; we can spend some time on the station together. I normally don't leave my own room on the station, but I guess it could be a change for me to walk around." He spoke up with a slightly more kinder tone, knowing that if Ryosuke would begin to walk around the station like an ordinary citizen like everyone else; the others that lived on the station were most likely going to give him disgusted looks and confused about how Sakura was walking around with him. Even though no one really knew Sakura at the moment, the fact that she would be walking around with Ryosuke would be enough to make people curious about her.

"Besides, we're going to need to get you a place to live on the station too anyway. My place...isn't exactly a place to live..I stay at a room where the temperature must stay far below zero so that I can keep my powers regulated. We need to get you a place to live that's a good temperature for you, while it's comfortable." He informed her as he reached out a hand to her to hold onto her hand; Ryosuke knew well enough that the Skynet company was going to end up causing his watch to ring again, but he could simply ignore it. He had spent his entire life alone, so now with the chance to be with someone he could consider a friend; he wasn't about to just drop the chance. Unaware that the mission actually had to do with the infection and how they were beginning to spread from planet to planet, taking over one lifeform after the next and if it was continued to allowed to spread the way it was; it was going to soon enough reach the Skynet station.