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ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-05-2018, 01:10 AM

March 4
Prompt: Workout Routine
well, i try to do yoga every day in the morning... i also do zumba and nia sometimes. when i'm at the gym, i mostly do cardio-- i'll run on the treadmill, then do the sitting bike. sometimes i'll do weights, but i'm very disorganized about it. i just choose whichever machine looks fun and then i do three sets of 10 reps with the heaviest weight i can, and then i move on to another machine. i took a weight training class one time, but i still never really learned which machines work which muscle sets or how to choose which muscle sets to work on. xD

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Mágico - magic

Song of the Day:

But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like you've been here before?

Drawings done today:

and sketches of the other three vday art requests i still have left.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 6 of Swords

The moment has arrived to distance ourselves, to face change, and to move towards new ideas and solutions. The six of Swords forces us to change even orientation, to find new expedients and new solutions in order to avoid easy and predictable solutions that also bring dissatisfaction, stagnation, or instability.
Advice of the Dead: Continue to row towards the voyage that you have decided to embark upon, bringing with you the weight of all the errors you have made but that have enriched you and made you mature.
Note: this is very in line with all the cards i've been getting lately. it's time to shed the old ways and move on to the new.

The Wild Unknown: XV The Devil

Addiction, Negativity.
Though it may feel frightening when the Devil appears in your reading, this card carries an urgent message and must be interpreted with total honesty. The darkness of the Devil card takes the form of addiction, negativity, or materialism. It can indicate an ugly relationship with a person or substance. Identify this dependency and how it's holding you back. The devil's hooves are strong and relentless-- their grip will not loosen unless a conscious change is made. Free yourself.
Note: this is what's holding me back from following the path of the 6 of Swords. it's not a substance, but an abstract concept. i'm "addicted" to telling myself i can't do things and that i'm not good enough, and i'm "addicted" to not taking as good of care of myself as i should. i fill the void with materialistic things, like all the games i play where i earn fake currency, or food.

Twin Peaks: XXI The World

Experiencing wholeness, working in unison. Realizing your goals, prospering, achieving your heart's desire, finding a beautiful solution. Becoming involved, contributing, healing, feeling engaged, being active, sharing what you have. Savoring the present, taking pleasure in life, enjoying peace of mind, finding contentment and satisfaction, counting your blessings.
Note: this is what i'm on the path towards.

Golden Thread: Ace of Swords

Victory, Raw Strength, Sharp Mind.
The potential for immense power and success. But remember that the sword is double-edged-- depending on who wields it, its power can be used to shelter and protect or to mercilessly strike down for cold and ruthless self-gain.
Note: this is what i need to achieve my goal (the World), this is the type of energy within me that i need to tap into. i need to remember to shelter and protect myself, and make sure i be mindful in my pursuit of success.

Homestuck: 2 of Pentacles

Juggling several options in order to cover one’s bases. As with the Two of Swords, the subject has not found a permanent solution, but has bought themselves more time to do so.
Note: yep. basically, any time i get this card it's right. xD all of life is one big balancing act.

Rider Waite: XX Judgement

Judging, Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution.
On Card 20, we see people rising up at the call of an angel. It is Judgment Day, when the faithful are brought to heaven, but what about those who are not saved? Have they been judged and found wanting? For their sins, will they be denied the presence of God? It is this aspect of judgment that is unsettling. How can judgment be reconciled with forgiveness?

In fact, judgment comes in two forms. The hurtful kind says, "What you did is wrong, and you are bad and worthless for having done it." This type of judgment separates and leaves no room for redemption. It is possible to judge without condemning. We assess the matter, weigh all sides and try to discern the truth. We recognize the need to choose and hope for the courage to do so wisely - but without blame.

In readings, Card 20 can be a reminder that judgments are necessary; sometimes you must decide. At such moments, it is best to consider the matter carefully and then commit yourself without censure. If you are being judged yourself, learn from the process. Take what is of value, correct what needs correcting, but never lose sight of your worth.

Card 20 also stands for the feelings that come with salvation. When the angel calls, you are reborn - cleansed of all guilts and burdens. The past and its mistakes are behind you, and you are ready to begin anew. You may even feel a calling - a personal conviction of what you are meant to do. If you are in a low period, in need of hope and absolution, Judgement can show you that renewal is at hand.
Note: hah, this card is so meta. it's talking about what i'm doing in this reading, which is judging myself, and it's saying that sometimes it's healthy to assess yourself and where you're at, so you know how to move forwards.

Astrology Forecast:
Sun in Pisces. Basic vibe is emotional & dreamy.
Moon in Libra. Moods & emotions are balanced and harmonious.
Mercury in Pisces. Mind & communications are emotional & dreamy.
Venus in Pisces. Love & attraction are emotional & dreamy.
Mars in Sagittarius. Drive & energy are optimistic & adventurous.
Jupiter in Scorpio. Luck, growth & wisdom are dark & strange, but focused.
Saturn in Capricorn. Discipline, fears & challenges are ambitious, wise & tenacious.
Uranus in Aries. Change & originality are independent & passionate.
Neptune in Pisces. Dreams & healing are emotional & dreamy.
Pluto in Capricorn. Power & transformation are ambitious, wise & tenacious.

Dream Journal:
in one of my dreams, when you put a VHS in, you became a part of the movie, so i went into a bunch of movies, including Star Trek TOS and i guess whatever i was doing was making Spock, Kirk & Bones mad at one another.

in another dream, there were grocery store freezers full of cereals and ice creams and other treats, and whoever i was with owned them all so we went through pouring bowls of whatever we wanted

Diary entry:
woke up pretty early for it being the weekend! like 11am or something. then i just played animal crossing for a while, then i did a bunch of Spanish homework on material we haven't gone over yet in class, so i had to make flashcards for the textbook too. we're on to the imperfect past tense, which doesn't exist in english except in AAVE (and maybe some other pidgin/creole dialects?), so that's exciting. oh, and i've decided i'm gonna try rewriting all my diary entries in spanish, for practice.

Entrada del Diario:
desperté bastante temprano para el fin de semana! como a las once en la mañana o algo. después jugué Cruce de Animal por un rato, después hice un manojo de tarea por mi clase de Español sobre material que aún no habíamos aprendido en clase, así que también tuve que hacer tarjetas para el libro de texto. Estamos trabajar sobre el verbos de tiempo imperfecto, que no existen en Ingles excepto en AAVE (y también quizás en algunos otros lenguas macarrónicas/idiomas chapurrados?), así que eso es emocionante. ¡ay! y tengo decidido voy a tratar de reescribir en español todas mis entradas del diario, para practicar.

Yes. 7 minutes easy. total: 1.10, streak: 1

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-05-2018 at 07:23 PM..