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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-02-2014, 05:25 PM

"Forgive me" he said, "my name is Kenshin...Kenshin Muroi." He gave her a warm smile, before he felt the feeling of something off around him once more. She seemed to be followed by the presence of something a little less of this world. Who was he to comment on it though...perhaps he should tell her? His thoughts shifted for a moment, to when he was younger. Even though many had reveared his tallents, not all of them thought they were real. Some believed it was merely for show, but it gave them peace of mind either way. Would this girl believe the same, if he were to speak up now?

He felt his hand clench, but he kept silent for now. He noted it then, the slight shift in her eyes, and he frowned slightly. Was that? could not have possibly been. Was it possible.... A voice nearly caused him to jump, his attention shifting as Kira moved up to their side. Immediately, he felt a familiar darkness about the other, but it seemed to have gotten worse. Something was off with Kira, and it was getting worse indeed. He wondered why the other was here, how he knew that they were? Perhaps he knew why they were there? Kenshin began getting a slightly worried feeling within his heart. Before he could respond, the female had spoken up.

She was blushing, which clearly gave it away that she was more interested in Kira than she let on. He chuckled lightly, even a small glimor of light within...whatever this was. She then asked a question he was interested on hearing the answer to as well. How did they get here? His eyes flickered to Kira for a moment behind his glasses. He would watch for any shift within the other, as he listened to his responce. This was not unnatural for him however, to fade to the background and let others take over a conversation. He was quiet by nature, and he was one to avoid conflict if he could.

He did not wish to anger others, or to put himself in situations such as he had before when he was younger. It was better indeed for him to merely hold his tongue, to not speak against others or interrupt them if he could avoid it. Besides, this girl seemed more interested in speaking with Kira than to him at the moment. He was interested himself, in what the man had to say.


Grimm watched Kira still as he moved. When the other agreed to the tea, he nodded a bit, slight relief raising within him. He was glad he had agreed to his help, but did not let much of it slip outwardly, keeping his composure. Kira was then speaking about the food once more, and that he would be greatful for Grimm's help. "Of course....whatever you need Master Kira" he said. He would do anything for the other, and the other knew that. Grimm had no quarrels following his orders or requests. His tone had shifted though, which made an eyebrow raise from Grimm.

Was he attempting to be kinder? It was rare to see a nicer side of Kira, though for the ghosts, Grimm was more of the one to see many of the sides of Kira. He had been by the other's side, through vulnerable times, anger, fear, kindness and more. He had remained loyal and faithful to him, unphased by the changes, he still cared for the other. One might have indeed thought him mad at this point, for putting up with it all. He would not blame them, but he could not begin to explain to them what he felt, or why he was here indeed.

Kira's hand moved to his chin, and he paused. He did not tense or move, his eyes moving to Kira once more. He had not realized he had gotten lost in his thoughts. He was then thanking him once more, for being his eyes upon this place. Grim took the moment to allow a flicker of warmth to form within his eyes, as he kept a slight blush at bay. Could he even blush anymore? It was a bit of an amusing thought. Kira then patted his head, which for a moment made him arch an eyebrow once more, before the other was turning away.

He crossed his right arm over his chest, giving a bow as the other walked away. "You can always rely on me....I am yours..." he did not know if the other caught that, but he would not pester him to see. He cleaned up within this room, before he moved off to see to the preperations of breckfast. As he had thought, the staff had begun the meal, but not had time to finish before their demise. Grimm had excellent skills in life as a cook, it had been a hobby of his. It was easy to continue on, and prepare the dining hall for the others. He began the tea as well, as he had been directed.