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bluerockman is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
I'm not sure if I'd recommend it! As Livi said, I think it's going to be considered spam - plus it's going to put a lot of loading time into the thread so I'm not sure if I would! Occasional isn't bad - but every post is a bit much!

I'm good with the bushes and such that you don't really have to do anything with but maintain after everything's dead on it for the season - I really wan to try box gardening with veggies and such! I have lower back problems from an accident I had years ago that prevents me from squatting, being on my knees, etc. for more than 5-10 minutes max, so I haven't been that involved in it, but after watching a Tori & Dean renovation series where they did that, I'm like OMG - THINGS CAN GROW IN THOSE!! So now that is my goal for next year :3

Aw - that's unfortunate you had that experience! :( Well if you ever give it a shot again try a thread by a person named Roachi - she's really nice and has a ton of newer and older CIs and such for sale, so she might have something for you! And I'm sure she'd have no problem explaining how it works! :3

Oh I can imagine! When my cousins' kiddos come up to visit, my time is totally consumed with them from the moment they wake up to the moment they finally fall asleep haha They range in age from a little over a year to 6 - they're quite a handful!! Especially the little ones - but I loveee when they visit! Especially because they're so much better at touching my stuff than my other cousin's kids XD; Luckily they don't come up from Texas very often, and the next time they come up they'll be in elementary school so hopefully better behaved! :P
Ah, ok, I'll try to find other means to mess around around here then. I mean, sometimes, you just gotta mess around with peeps.