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Old 07-20-2017, 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by Inspiration View Post

the shipwreck at shipwreck cove
Beyond getting wet and enjoying some wonderful scuba diving, the day is a bit dissapointing. There is no sunken treasure in the ship as you were hoping for, and the ship isn't in nearly as good condition as you thought it would be in. At least it was good diving right? The underwater world is always beautiful in clear water like there is in shipwreck cove.

Isle de Cacoa Harbor
As beautiful as the water is the place is incredibly busy with shoppers dashing all over to the shops that are just off the docks. You also forgot your sunscreen and the glare off the water increases the hot suns touch. You get a little sunburnt even as you join in the dashing around shops.

Island of Zajac
You decide to visit the Island of Zajac where the Easter Bunny lives. In the past the Easter Bunny came out to help find carrots on menewsha to feed the hungry citizens of Zajac, only now it seems to be covered in carrots and bunnies. No shortage anymore. In fact… there is barely any room to walk around at all. You feel rather jostled and harassed all day as the population seems to steadily grow larger.
Pick a bunny for your own

Garland's Wedding Grounds
You surround yourself with the beauty of the lakeside town and hear of the tale of the freak accident that led to the ending of two young lives. It seems a bit eerie as you visit the tomb on a small island in the lake. Why anyone would want to get married here gives you the shivers but as you look around at the beauty you have to shift your point of view. Maybe it’s not that bad. Hey look a wedding! When’d you get back on the bus? You don’t remember that happening.

Mr. Mayor's Family plantation
On the Isle de Cacoa is where Mr. Mayor grew up. Of course you want to check out the plantation where he came from. It’s a slight let down though as you can’t really do much and spend most of the time kind of getting in the way as people are hard at work. At least you can sit on that bench in the shade and enjoy a nice glass of lemonade. So its not a complete loss, especially after you get the brilliant idea to start selling some to the hard workers and people passing by on this hot day and make a little cash.
+200 gold

Ice Palace
On the outskirts of Menewsha is an ice palace set up during last years festival of winter nights by Demetri as he came to find his Lise. You know it is all an illusion, but it is a joy to explore the icy halls where they’ve been ‘rebuilt’ to look at as a part of Menewsha history. It feels like a sign of hope for the future of menewsha and feels you with a warmth that counteracts the cold that you would normally assume you’d feel in the middle of an ice palace.

Island Pool
This is the island pool that a bunch of menewshans managed to find the fresh water they needed to survive when they crashed during a big storm on the way to Jao Koh. It’s still fresh clear water that turns a hot afternoon into a nice relaxing swim in the cool water. Grab a pair of trunks or a swimsuit from the tour bus and enjoy yourself. And no… you can keep them. Also remember, please don’t pee in the island pool. That is fresh drinking water after all.
Pick a Tropical Trunk or Tropical Swimsuit

Duvalian Natural History Museum
Little bit of a sucker for history you can’t resist heading into the Duvalian Natural History Museum and see what it has in store. It is a gorgeous building with lots of natural light and the weirdest taxidermy animals you’ve ever seen. One of them was this weird chicken hawk thing that had some kind of mammal head and vampire fangs. It’s gotta be a laugh but it sure is fun wandering around and exploring the museum and its eccentricities; Including some fascinating old artifacts.

Shipwreck Cove pavillion
As menewsha always provides well for its people, there is no surprise that the pavillion even here in the secluded cove is decked out with food to celebrate the tourists summer bash. You pig out all day on good food and fresh sparkling water. You even get the best view in the cove of the shipwreck where a piece of Menewsha’s history lies trapped.
Finish the day off with a nice cold popsicle: Strawberry, green apple, meyer lemon

Shipwreck Cove: the beach
The sun is bright, there are some clouds in the sky so its not overly hot, and the sand is perfect. You enjoy the sun and the water all day long, and you even get to pick up some treasures you found in the sand when building a sandcastle!
beachcombers bounty, tiki beach party

Pick a bunny for your own
*Hime*: Elirona:
Pick a Tropical Trunk or Tropical Swimsuit
there are various colors you two can pick from. i got lazy listing them all out >.> <.<