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bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 04-29-2012, 03:24 PM


Find out what you need to do!

Create a thread for yourself in the storyboard subforum.
Plan your fun weekend with Yan; hunt the internet for pictures that show what you want to do.

.....................................YAN DOES NOT NEED TO BE IN THESE PICTURES!
Post a picture that depicts each activity you'd do with Yan, with a written description too
When your storyboard is complete, edit your thread title to say - STORY COMPLETE!
Cross your fingers that you make the grade!

Technical stuff!

Your weekend starts and ends with the journey to and from your home, include that in your story.

........You can leave on Friday night or Saturday morning, you can return Sunday evening or early Monday ........morning. It's up to you, but your choice could impact on your adoption success, so plan sensibly.
Make a seperate post for each thing you do: The journeys to and from your home each count as 1 thing,
........this is the only time when you can have 3 pictures in one post.
Only one picture per activity post, so choose well!
No less than 100 words per description, no more than 200. Count them with THIS
There are precise limits in place: 3 pictures in one post for the journey from your home to your destination.
.................................................. ............10 activity posts/pictures per day, no more, no less.
.................................................. ............3 pictures in one post for the homeward journey.

You can change your thread content as often as you like, just make sure it's how you finally want it by Friday evening!