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Toruk Makto
Pearl is offline
Old 07-10-2013, 12:50 PM

Haha yeah I think so. It was my 2011 NaNo which I didn't finish. The school work was kinda crazy... I was in the US at the time, which might be why my NaNo was so stereotypically English. It's set in a small village in an indeterminate age (the 50s or 30s or something). I've never lived in a village. Or in the 50s. So it'll take some research and/or imagination.

I felt like writing again while re-reading "It" by Stephen King. I've read a few of his books but this is probably my favourite. Everyone knows it's about a clown, but it's also about 6 children in the summer of 1958.
My book is about 3 children in a 50s summer... it's also a children's book so it won't be quite as fucking terrifying.

But I think Stephen King writes kids very well and very honestly. He's like the adult version of Roald Dahl.

I'm wearing a new dress I got yesterday 8D
I thought I needed more summer clothes.