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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 04-03-2023, 11:26 PM

They're pretty big. I've only ever seen them at night, so they were especially scary. D:

Makes sense. Have you ever seen that gif of that fabulous llama?

This one? xD It's silly...

I am beginning to feel like even though I enjoy acting, this acting class is a little bit too much for me. :( It feels like it's challenging me. But I know that's a good thing, being challenged makes you better at what you're trying to improve on. But it just feels like so much of this class is just one huge challenge after the other. I did some improv yesterday and I felt really nervous and I did my best to be emotionally vulnerable, but it ended up making people laugh. :/ I felt like I was being genuine and vulnerable, but everyone else thought it was a joke...

I used to host Christmas parties in Minnesota with my parents. We had a decently sized house and an open floor plan kitchen, so I would cook a lot of appetizers and lay them out across our island table and we'd have karaoke and I would play the ukulele. :) I wanna invite you to a party I'm hosting, but that probably won't be for a while until I move out of this apartment and have a place of my own. Dx