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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 02:59 PM

Mathis heard someone or something coming near, though he couldn't fully make it out, it sounded like wheels on rocks, and that must have been what it was. Just then he had heard a female's voice, weakly he opened his eyes "What? Oh...I'm fine, just tired" he didn't have to lie to say that much, he was tired after the day he had, and how far he had made it just to this rock. He was lucky he got this far with his stamina.

He couldn't see the young lady very well, but knew she was young in age. He wasn't sure how young, his vision somewhat blurred, and it did made him wonder what she appeared to everyone as. Sitting up a bit more against the rock as he struggled to ignore the pain he felt, he was almost numb to it right now; a snake slithered it's way over to them, it was a small one, but even small ones are venomous. Once it got close to his hand he lifted his hand up over it's head slowly making a circle above it and the snake turned slithering off to find another meal.