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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 06:23 PM

When Collin heard the Silver haired male ask him were he was gonna go Collin thought this over for a moment but did not initially answer. What was his answer, he had thought it over a hundred times and yet, he never really knew what his end game was gonna be. The first plan was always to escape. He went slightly wide eyed when Miles asked him to stay at his home. Perhaps the silver haired male didn't hate him as much as he initially had thought.

He rode in silence for a few moments before answering him. Not because he was angry but because he wanted his answer to be thurough. "I have always considered heading towards the kingdom of Galath. The king there was an ally long ago, before my father destroyed our kingdom. I wish to seek him out and plead with him to invade the kingdom, he could help in ways I could not. The council took over at fathers death, I have no real power."

He once more fell to silence for a few moments before saying, "I would like to take your offer on the lodgings though until I can figure out what must be done. I implore you though, we've not introduced ourselves, though I feel I probably do not need an introduction" He had not said it in malace, only in a hard truth, he was the Prince, soon to be king, people knew his name.

He headed deep into the hunting grounds towards an old and worn path that rarely showed use anymore. Yet he had made it his mission to know the very secrets of the castle. He knew that one day he would need to implore them to escape this place, a place of death and sadness. As they walked further through the forest the trees started to cause the path to get darker, due to the thick canopy of trees which lined the forest ceiling. A miriad of animal life could be heard but no soldiers or guards were to be found. Collin relaxed slightly and pressed forward. Though he slowed his pace as the ground before them became harder for the horses to press through, this part of the path was unused for many years, his father not being a hunter.

Collin turned back to look at silver haired male when the underbrush became completely wild, "The path only get wilder from here, watch the horses footing" he continued forward thinking about life ahead, if he did manage to stay gone this time. Would the king of Galath listen to his pleas? Would his mother forgive him? The council was no better then his father though, and he needed to stop that. But first there was the matter of making sure that Miles made it home safely. Everything else would wait. He could not help those within the castle anymore, but at least he could see this one man to safety, and that had to be enough.