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It is impossible to make explicit and clear that which fundamentally by its very nature is vague
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 06-19-2012, 10:46 PM

"You bastard!",Leryn cried as he charged at the old man. Swinging his sword at the man's head, it stopped an inch away from the wielder. Leryn's muscles were straining from the emense power radiating off of the man's magic shield. His feet sliding backwards, the power bacame too much and flung him away. Leryn hit the ground with a sickening crack.

Alriana could feel the man's mind pushing at her walls she had put up defensivly. His power was amazing. Beads of sweat started to appear on her forehead from the emense strength that was pushing at her mind. It was too much. Falling to her knees, Alriana screamed,"Noooooo! I won't let you get in!"