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TheOriginalPyro is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 03:23 AM

My family sent me here because I am a fair way past the time to wed. They say I need to find a bride and that this is the perfect opportunity to do so. He took a few more mouthfulls and turned to greet the man at the door. Hail, friend. Join us. We have plenty of food to spare and your company will be greatly appreciated. He turned back to Ayame. So your family would use you to spy on other kingdoms? Then that makes two of us. As an independant and distant kingdom, we have a natural curiosity and suspicion of other kingdoms. He smiled. Happy to be able to spend time with someone he could really talk to. He paused to run a hand across his face, stopping briefly on the scar that ran down his cheek before resuming eating.