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Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 01-03-2015, 03:56 PM


Yesterday was an awesome day. I went to therapy and discussed some personal topics, and I left feeling a lot better about certain things on my mind. I came home and took care of a sick Richard, my boyfriend of 8 years, and then went out for a night with one of my best friends Justine. We went to a really nice Chinese place down the street (which was free, thanks to a gift card from my parents), and then left for the mall to see "Into the Woods". As a former actress, I felt sad never seeing the stage production of it, but I thought the movie was fantastic.... you know... aside from the annoying misbehaved loud children sitting right next to me. (Seriously, what mother would bring them to a late-night show??)

As for today, nothing nearly as interesting is happening. I'm cleaning the house for the first time in a few days since I couldn't do it when Richard was sleeping all the time. I'm also watching YouTube "Continue?" episodes on the Wii to help the time go faster. Richard is at work from 2-10:30pm EST, so I finally have the place to myself! Maybe when I'm done, I'll play some 'Tales of Xillia' on my PS3 since he's not hogging it anymore playing 'Ni No Kuni'. Very easy day, but nothing else worth mentioning.

Other than it is snowing furiously. Which was a pleasant surprise this morning.

~~~~Liquid Diamond

Last edited by Liquid Diamond; 03-16-2015 at 07:36 PM..