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Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 09-02-2012, 01:38 PM

How creatively awful! xO

I predict that you will capture the heart of a prince whom at first only loves you because of your appearce. You are aware of this, so you decide to show him looks can be deceiving. You pretend to be in love with him and take him for a strolll through his garden. He sees a rose and goes to pick it for you, but he pricks his fingers with the thorns. You tell him, "I am like that rose." You hope he gets the message but he just smiles and says, "Yes, you are so beautiful, my dear." You sigh and you both keep walking. He sees some berries and picks a few, but you warn him they are poisonous and he quickly discards them. "I am like those berries." You say, but he just smiles and says, "Yes, you are very sweet, my dear." You're about to give up on him when he offers you to view the bird sanctuary. So you go and find a bird sitting rather sadly in a small cage. You frown and are about to speak, but the prince suddenly spoke, "I am like this bird." He whispers. You then realized how the prince had always been isolated and felt so alone in his castle. You understand he doesn't know much about love. So you reach out, open the cage door, and free the happy bird. He stares at you with surprise, and you smile and say, "I am the hand who shall open your door and set you free."
This time, you really fall in love.

Sorry it was a long reading...I got carried away!