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The Lone Penis
The Lone Penis is offline
Old 08-18-2008, 12:07 AM

D:< FINALLY!!! I don't even go on this website at all because of the lack of male ball juice items. I just joined cause a friend of mine wouldn't leave me alone about it! Here are some freakin' ideas to make men look like men! And even more fucked up than that!

*Spiked armor item set.
I'm talking about big, black, sharp, and non-user friendly! It cannot show any part of your avi's body! It has to look like you're staring at the chibified midget version of that giant psycho executioner with the Battle Axe as big as the goddamn Sun. >DE Just nothing but black spiked up death armor.

*Mutant Body Parts.
Disgusting, horrifying, and not suppose to be there! Something like a giant sharp mouth separating your upper half and lower half. A small fugly (That's right FUGLY, not that wimpy ass Ugly) face growth sticking out of any part of your body (or all over)! A Giant Eye growing in your mouth! Green warty cannibal troll skin! YOU FIGURE OUT THE OTHERS INTERNET!

BIG. ASS. GUNS. If you think I'm talking about something like a small handgun or an AK-47, THEN GUESS AGAIN!!! I wanna see Chain Guns, RPGs, The Davy Crocket Nuke launcher, Giant Rockets to strap onto your back, A whole suit of TNT! Basically any modern weapon that could destroy The Moon, The Death Star, and a Black Hole all with one shot!

*Robots/Androids/Cyborg items.
I don't mean cute little robots like Wall-E or R2-D2. I want me some Apocalyptic Robot Rebellion stuff! Sleek, violent, and that non feeling red LCD light eyes! I wanna see something cybernetic and futuristic that if touched, you will bleed, get shocked, burn, or will just make that giant ass droid stomp you into a can of Cracknorg-7X92's Human Noodle Soup!

EVERYTHING MUST BURN. Head lit on fire. Blazing flame armor and weapons of slow agonizing death. Your whole avi covered in flames! The fire itself manifesting into some horrid demon from the 7th layer of Hell! The area around your avi covered in nothing but violent, flickering, life taking fire!

*Skeletal Items.
That classic set of bones that you just love to poke at in your science class, except torn out of an actual human or animal and brought to life to take yours! Skeletal Armor/Weaponry, Becoming a skeleton yourself, having skeletal slaves by your side, and a whole horde of skeletal warriors cutting you down! Halloween's right around the corner so that would be the best time to pull it off!

*Battle Mutilations.
Aside from the traditional anime scar, we need some bloody stumps in here. Some brutal bruises, cut off limbs, sharp shards of anything stuck in your body, your eyes scooped out, or just your whole avi completely beaten, bruised, and mauled. Pretty can only last for oh so long.

>DE These are only a few of the needed things this website needs that I can make up with my MAN BRAIN. I've only begun to cure this website of it's ultra girliness. >8O THE LONE PENIS HAS SPOKEN.

D:l And no, I'm not trying to be a rude little troll. >DE It's just that this site really is more aimed for girls. Somebody in this website has to be a man and stand up for all the others who wish for these things to become reality.

Last edited by The Lone Penis; 08-18-2008 at 12:16 AM..