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Jeryck is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 01:52 AM

Contribution Items from 2014

Greetings, citizens of Menewsha! It is my honor to present to you the Contribution Items for 2014. Those who are generous enough to contribute to our fair town of Menewsha receive a special currency called Mennies. Each month, from the 1st until the last day, you may spend your Mennies on your choice of two different Contribution Items (or "CIs"). One CI will be released at the beginning of the month, and another in the middle of the month. These items are retired and replaced with new ones each month, so the value of past months' CIs is sure to increase over time!

Without further ado, here are the Contribution Items that were released during the year 2014.
Index with Quicklinks

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-11-2015 at 02:51 PM..