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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-18-2013, 11:49 AM

Thank you. *Huggles* I said my prayers last night and I'll see if I can have a better day today even though I'm feeling pretty tired/headachey. I'm going to try to get out of work on time today and go to bed early.

Ohh, I understand. I haven't read the specific passages on homosexuality in the bible. I should probably look those up actually since certain passages are really ambiguous and people tend to translate them in a myriad of ways. From a human rights point of view though I totally support it (college made me more-minded person than some of my family members). I remember we had a sermon on it once that made me feel like it was okay to support it. I wish I could remember what the minister said to pass the message along to you...

I'll keep you in my prayers. Take the time you need to do your soul searching and let me know what you would like to do when you get your answer. We could always steer the RP back to friendshipdom only or lock this one and do a non-relationship one if you decide that you would rather not continue in the same direction.