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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 07-13-2016, 12:01 PM

Rose gasped when she was grabbed, she had been so busy watching the ocean that she hadn't heard someone come into the room. Just as she began to struggle, she realized she recognized the voice. The captain, it was only him, at least she was a bit safer than some random pirate showing up in here. Sitting there, a bit stunned, she shook her head, trying to clear it. "I was holding on..." She muttered, wondering why he was so concerned about her safety. Probably because he wouldn't get his money if she was dead. When her mind cleared, she realized where she was sitting, and her lack of proper clothing.

She stood and went over to her chest, pulling out her robe and putting it on, pulling the straps tight around her small frame. The silk was smooth and cool against her body and she sighed contently while she sat down at the table, picking at the little bit of fruit left. The food didn't really settle in her stomach well, even if all she had eaten were a few bits of fruit since she had ended up on this ship. Apparently being kidnapped and held for ransom didn't agree with her stomach.


Gerard groaned and grunted in his sleep, tossing while trying to find a comfortable position. No matter what he did it seemed to make his chest ache and burn, and he felt like his cabin might just be on fire. "Water." He muttered to himself, his mouth dry. How would he get up to get it if he didn't even feel like he was in control of his own body? He managed to sit up a bit, the room was spinning, but it didn't matter, his legs wouldn't respond to the command to move. His hand found something soft, hair? Looking over he could just make out the shape of a head, with a body probably attached to it, but he couldn't see that. Who was in his room? The hair was thick and long, which meant it was probably a woman. He couldn't seem to remember anything.

Ah, so that was it. He must have gotten drunk, gotten in a fight and that was why his body ached, and then brought a woman back to the ship. Clark would not be too happy with him if he found out. "Come here..." He muttered to the form, reaching out and trying to grab at Ariel. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this awful after drinking, but at least he wasn't alone.