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Zombie Pixie

Zombie Pixie is offline
Old 11-21-2008, 11:21 PM


Username: Celestial Pocky
Staffmember Drawn: Knerd
Commentary: I just fell in love with her avatar, so I had to draw it! =3
Catagory: CG

Username: Eserel
Staffmember Drawn: Ferra
Art: x
Catagory: Cg

Username: Eserel
Staffmember Drawn: Knerd
Art: x
Catagory: Cg

Username: Eserel
Staffmember Drawn: Melody Xyelle
Art: x
Catagory: Cg

Username: Lumi
Staffmember Drawn: Knerd
Commentary: I think Knerd's great. I see and chat with her often. ^___^ And her avatar is hot. 8D
Catagory: Traditional

Username: Kultura
Staffmember Drawn: siaasgn
Art: Linky Linky Link!
Commentary: I'm a sucker for Red heads :oops: :lol: It's a rather appealing avatar ;)
Catagory: Traditional

Username: `F o a m
Staffmember Drawn: Chi
Commentary: I loved her avatar and all of the hearts it had on it. It was simply hard to not draw it. :]
Catagory: CG

Username: blueblackrose
Staffmember Drawn: Iorase Delschatten
Commentary: Iro is search for Yumeh and ends up trailing him into the graveyard. Was it coincidence or did Yumeh lead him there on purpose? *dun..dun..dun...*
Catagory: CG

Username: Karayna
Staffmember Drawn: Iroase Delshatten
Art: Linkeh
Commentary: First avitar I saw that was one of the staff. XD That and I liked the items he was wearing. I do apologize for making his skin so, pale, but in my defense, he had pale skin and I did not want to ruin the definition I got on his torso. Total time about 4-5 hours over an 8 day period. Now, back to studying for my exams!
Catagory: Traditional

Username: `F o a m
Staffmember Drawn: Chi
Commentary: I loved her avatar and all of the hearts it had on it. It was simply hard to not draw it. :]
Catagory: Traditional

Username: Thoth Star
Staffmember Drawn: JellySundae
Art: (linked): my art
Commentary: Just really liked jelly's avie so had to draw it... hehe
Catagory: cg

Username: Lura Crane
Staffmember Drawn: ToriKat
Commentary: Inked with Micron pen, colored with watercolor pencils and water brush
Catagory: Traditional

Username: Lumi
Staffmember Drawn: CK
Commentary: CK was the first person that welcomed me in my newbie intro thread. <333 I love her avatar too. <3
Catagory: Traditional or cg? Traditional

Username: .Simplicity.
Staffmember Drawn: CK
Art: (linked) Clicky~
Commentary: Dancing CK! :'D <3
Catagory: Traditional or cg? Traditional

Username: .Simplicity.
Staffmember Drawn: Melody Xyelle
Art: (linked) Clicky~
Commentary: Waving Melody! ^^ (Didn't turn out as good as I'd of liked... >.> )
Catagory: Traditional or cg? Traditional

Username: Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
Staffmember Drawn: jellysundae
Full res version:
Commentary: Well... I wanted to refine it as much as the skin. I had it all planned, but there was just no time. XD; So I tried to make the skin super refined and make everything else stroke-y, and unfinished but 'artistic' in contrast. D: I failed. I admit, I just picked the avatar that looked the most appealing to draw. *sheepish grin* But jelly is cool, so it works. :heart:
Catagory: CG

Username: Lura Crane
Staffmember Drawn: ToriKat
Commentary: Inked with Micron pen, colored with watercolor pencils and water brush
Catagory: Traditiona

Last edited by Zombie Pixie; 12-06-2008 at 02:54 AM..