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Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 12:28 AM

Dorian had just made it in time for his Special class before the bell rung out, at least what he thought was the bell. He couldn't hear, just went by the time on the clock. He took his normal seat near the paraplegic girl and her mute sister. He signed his greets to the mute and spoke to the paraplegic. He had an odd accent as he spoke, no one knew he was deaf from birth. Which he rather liked.

The class was a simple one, never really taught them anything. Just made them feel more of an outcast for being separated in a classroom often targeted by the richer and popular teenagers. The paraplegic just nodded to him after class was over, letting him know the first bell had rung. "See you tomorrow Mira, Sara." He told the girls before leaving the classroom. His locker was right near the Special room.

He opened the door to his locker, placing his School's jacket inside. He closed and locked it before heading off to his favorite classroom. He loved mechanics and the next classes he had for the day.