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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-10-2017, 05:41 PM

"I'm sorry Chan, I can't get away from work! And besides, I was never into that Pokemon stuff like you were. You should go for it though! Really! Make sure you call and tell me what kinda things you catch! ... Bye Chan! Good Luck!" Chan hung up the phone, disappointed with his conversation with Ray. A couple of weeks ago when the first Pokemon started showing up in the world, Chan couldn't believe his luck! He could finally fulfill his dream to be a real Gym Leader! At least he hoped he could start a Pokemon Gym. Everyone was still adjusting to the new phenomenon. But he wouldn't wait to see. Chan was gonna be out on the leading edge of the new Pokemon world they now lived in! He was going to go out and catch as many as he could!

After hearing about the common centers that were popping up and inviting people to come and help catch Pokemon for the government, Chan had quit his part-time job straight away to get ready to go forth and adventure! He had spent the last week preparing, gathering equipment and trying to convince his friends to go with him. Ray had been his last hope. He and Kenichi were his best friends in the world and Chan would have liked nothing more than to go Adventuring with them! Chan was rather depressed that they both had declined his offer to go along with him. But he wasn't going to let that stop him.

Chan finished packing his travel bag and grabbed his boots, making his way down to the front of his house. His mom and dad were there waiting to send him off, as well as his sister and Uncle in his usual Monk robes. Chan's little sister Aiko bounced up and down on the balls of her feet in front of their parents, "Please please please!! Please let me go too! I wanna catch Pokemon!!" She all but screamed. Their parents answered with a simple, "You're not old enough yet!" Which made Aiko pout. "Don't worry sis... I'll bring you back lots of Pokemon to play with!" Chan said, tousling her hair.

Chan's parents gave him big hugs and presented him with a nice new wide brimmed hat to protect his bald head. He thanked them, said goodbye to his sister and uncle then stepped outside. Sitting down on the front steps, Chan tied on his soft traveling boots. Settling his new hat on his head, Chan looked back at his family one more time to wave goodbye, then headed for the local mini mart that was closing down and had been turned into the local Pokemon lab. Time to start my adventure! He thought to himself as he walked down the street, his light scarf trailing behind him in the soft breeze.

((Thanks for understanding! I hope you have fun with your Cousin! ))