Thread: The Line
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Quite on the Outside, a raging storm Inside.
PurpleBox is offline
Old 09-12-2017, 09:19 PM

Ian rolled his eyes again at the muttered comment, he'd heard worse. His green eyes still held a fire in them as he turned to his bed and clicked open his travel case, he pulled out a laptop and its cords and set it on the small desk against the wall at the foot of the bed, it was one he had built himself of the past couple of years, building it up for this, it was a chunky hardcore laptop that would be able to handle the design programs and any coding he would need to do. Every birthday money and holiday bonus at his old movie store job had gone into the thick purple cased laptop.

A few of his course books where nestled among his hoddies and sweaters, a variety of colors compared to the plain stuff he'd worn before. Taking out some headphones and plugging then into his phone he turned on some music as he stuck the phone in his pocket and began to pull his cloths out and just chuck them on the naked bed in search of his Green Lantern sheets.

Ian could barely head the sounds form the other side of the room, a frown still on his face as his glasses slipped down his nose again and swore under his breath. Taking the thick framed off his nose he set them on his desk as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.Opening his eyes the room was a bit fuzzy but he was able to make things out with ease.

Once his Travel case was empty, the course books on the desk along with a old looking tablet and stylus pen, Ian plopped down in the chair, angled so he could watch the other man putter about. His music was still playing in his ears and he drummed his fingers against his leg to the beat as he squinted at the moving shape that was Raisel. "He really hasn't changed that much since graduation....bastard." A deep frown was settled onto his tanned face.