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wickedwonderland is offline
Old 05-12-2014, 02:20 PM

Nic was frantic. He wouldn't stand for anything to happen to Lira. Of course the little fox had jumped out of the bag at the worst possible moment. What if whatever was over there was dangerous? "Lira!." he hissed out. You could imagine his surprise when the shadow he had seen bolted away from them. He stopped chasing Lira and paused, reassessing the situation. Whatever was over there seemed to be more afraid of them than they were of it.

It was a good thing he had stopped, because laying in the floor were a pair of glasses. He had almost crushed them. With the absence of fear, he let Lira do what she wanted. She wasn't going to hurt whoever was over there. He was assuming it was a person and not some other strange creature upon the discovery of the glasses in the floor. Nic bent down and picked them up, making sure they weren't damaged and started over towards where Lira had gone. When he got close enough to make out anything in the dark he laughed out loud, a musical sweet sound. Lira had jumped up on the boy's lap that he found and was licking his face.