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Mountain Dweller
Apicula is offline
Old 10-26-2017, 07:38 AM

Yeah I was thinking about that today and why don't we... crazy idea... combine them? Eh? Eh? You like that?

Is it just me?


I was trying to match up the "personalities" of the classic Clue characters with the chess pieces... if that makes sense. After a lot of internal debate and consideration I think I nailed it down pretty well: King would be Mr Green, Queen would be Miss Scarlet, Knight would be Colonel Mustard, Rook would be Miss Peacock, Bishop would be Professor Plum, and the Pawn would be Mrs White. I did us all the favor of not going anywhere near the other characters that graced the series... for there were many. So, so many. I feel like this way we'd have a pretty solid cast of differing personalities. Also it may or may not be a call back to my Gaia days where a lot of character roles were just "THE PRINCESS" "THE REBEL" and everyone kind of had a general idea of what that character was going to be about, even if you had the freedom to play with the tropes associated with that label (although let's be real, no one was really into trope subversion on Gaia).