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Helpless is offline
Old 10-02-2009, 06:19 AM

Breeding is a type of activity that every Flyrings do when a male and female gets to love each other, and it is based on the owner.. When the owner loves the owner of the other Flyrings, Their both Flyrings get to be inlove to.. or you can buy a love potion to create another random Flyring [that's gonna be made by me].

Flyrings Bred:
If you wanna breed put this form up:
Owner's Name:
Pet Name:
Pet Age: [Both pet must have same age]
Your Pet's Love One: [Put here the name of the pet]
Loved Owner's Name:

The two must submit their form in PM.
If the other one doesn't reply after 1 week, The breeding is canceled.

: This will create another random Flyrings, After its created it can breed each other. It cost 20g
I want one!!
Pet Name:
: Changes your pet's color. It cost 20g

I want one!!
Pet Name:
Desired Color

Last edited by Helpless; 10-02-2009 at 06:29 AM..