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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 03:27 PM

The tiger remained silent for a moment as his eyes remained there even as the woman moved between them. As the other approached signaled by the one before them as being the one of water, he still did not move. Hikaru watched the other, he sometimes wondered how the other could be so patient and silent, sitting still for so long. He was a bit more of the one to hate merely doing nothing, it was often Mitsukai who became the voice of reason for him. Feeling a shift however, the massive white tiger lifted his head to the air. He took a breath, taking in the scent of the world around him. He seemed to frown, even for a tiger. Hikaru could feel the tension build within him a bit.

Looking down at the other, he kneeled. He placed a hand upon his head lightly, "what is it?" he asked. Mitsukai scanned the trees for a moment. "Something has shifted.....I am not quite sure from here but.....the air feels more weighted...darker....tinged with blood..." he stood, once more taking in another breath of air. Hikaru looked towards the trees, had something happened within the woods? Part of him itched to say they should go and see. If something was going on, he did not want to risk letting something bad happen if they could prevent it. On the other hand, he knew the more logical thing to do would be to move now why they had the chance. Mitsukai turned his head to the fire elemental's partner. Her friend was still within the were possibly the others.

Hikaru sighed, opening his mouth for a moment to say something, when the tiger spoke first. "They do not know of us yet, if we are going to do something, it would be wise to move on the element of surprise" he said. Hikaru blinked for a moment, then smiled lightly, he was going to let them go? Mitsukai turned his head to the other two women for a moment, nodding to them. "We will see if we can find your friend...and what is going on, if we do, we will send him her or find you" with that, he turned his form in the other direction. The tiger could outrun Hikaru if he wanted to, the power within his massive form impressive. But the other kept his pace as he took off a slow enough trot to allow the other to keep up with him, but quickly enough to begin closing distance between them and the tree line. Breaking through them, he took another breath of the air before him.

The scent travelling through his senses. His paws carried him first along the way towards the scent that caught his attention most. The scent of blood. "Stay here" he said to Hikaru as they got close, not missing a beat before he sped up, off through the trees. Hikaru paused, staying for a moment by the trees. He knew the other wished to protect him, seeing if whatever had happened was still deadly. But he was not a child and they were still partners. Heeding his warning while at the same time refusing to stay to far away from his partner, Hikaru began to make his way along the side, along the perimiter of the area as he wound his way slightly closer. The light guardian slowed his pace as he approached, his foot falls silent in nature now as the scent of blood swarmed his senses. The animal inside would have usually been excited, hungered by it, but the light man inside kept his level head because the honest scent of blood repulced him.

It meant death....darkness....that was something that cut deeply within him. Nearing the scene enough, he could see the two there, the one called Gaia as well as the form of a massive lion who soon shifted to human form. So, that had been the one the female from before was looking for. Listening to their words a bit, his eyes moved to the scene nearby them. He felt a pang in his chest, before lowering his head. This....He did not wish to interrupt them, it was not really his place to interject himself at a moment like this. The pain and sadness within the scene was more than apparent, it was strong and for good reason. He had told the other he would send the lion back to her if they saw him, so he owed her that much. He pressed one paw out of the bush, stepping one more out after. His head following suit soon after, as he made his presence known to the pair. He was silent at first, before lowering his head to the female Gaia, "such a loss can not be made better by words....but I am sorry for your loss....such a wound can cut deeply within the heart and very soul..." his eyes closed for a moment.

He did not bother to hide his speech here, they would probably guess who he was. If she lashed out at him, he would take it. He would feel no anger or anything towards her, she had a right to feel the way she did. The pain that she did. His eyes turning then to the man within the pair. "You....your partner was looking for you....I agreed to tell you and send you to her if we crossed paths...." he could tell Hikaru had not listened fully. The other closer now, not far off in the trees. This kind of scene, this kind of pain. The boy knew all to well in a sense. Many that he loved, they had been slaughtered at the price of one's whim. He could feel the price that seeing this now was having upon him as well. The memories that it was bringing back. His eyes once more turned to the scene, he did not deserve this, a proper burial and blessing should be done. However, that was still not for him to decide. It was her choice, so for the moment he remained silent.


"My feelings and opinions towards the man do not matter within this case" he said, his own eyes for a moment moving to the castle beyond them. "It is something that can be put up with if it means getting the job done" and if it meant helping the other out. That was all he cared for, more than the arrogance of some king. Looking back at the partner before him, he chuckled lightly. "Though winging it is always an you are often comfortable with." His eyes turned off to the forest within the distance at the opposite edge of the village. "There is another village a ways beyond the woods. If anything, I doubt the guardians would be foolish enough to come this close to the kingdom."

Then again, some of the best ways to hide, were to hide right under your oponant's nose. Though dangerous, it was often the last place they looked. Most of the others he had heard of that had been sent out for this task, had headed towards those whoods themselves. The were large enough to span between various places. Thicker in some, sparce in others. It would be a great place for anyone to travell if they wished to pass through unseen. He pondered for a moment, perhaps some of them were still within...perhaps so was possibly their prey? He looked to his companion. "I will spare you the drabble of the king, there is no need to bother him till the task is done. Instead, lets see what the trees can tell us hmm?" he smiled, turning down the street.

He would begin to head towards the woods in question, unless the other stopped him for some reason. He did not think he would though, because going this way did seem a lot better than going to talk to the king, or his wife. Besides, they were already lagging a bit behind the others. It did not matter to him, he did not care what they thought. Their opinions of him were not really his concern, only one mattering to him in the slightest. So if that meant remaining behind by his side as they gathered information or rested instead of rushing off into something, that was fine. There was strengths in moving as a unit, but also strengths in moving on separately. Pros and cons to both sides. His eyes moved back to the other for a moment, as he remained silent in nature. If the other did not oppose, he would begin the journey at hand.

Slow and steady, keeping the other within his sights. They would rest slightly at times if the other got restless or tired, before it was best to continue on. They did not stop fully till they broke the tree lines, traveling into the woods and through the trees. The woods seemed still enough, for now anyways. He turned to look to his partner. He kept an eye and ear on him, should he speak of being tired or something more. The journey within the forest was not to hard itself, it seemed almost peaceful the more they got away from civilization. Pausing for a moment, he kneeled. His fingertips lightly brushing over the soft undergrowth and ground below. There was an impression within, one of a massive paw. Large cats were not to common within this area. His eyes lifting for a moment to scan between the trees. He frowned lightly, as he stood once more.

"Seems we were right in choosing this path...there is more within these woods than meets the eye. If there are still the others within these woods, then we might be a tad later than thought" he smiles. Standing, he chose to press further. They had been making well enough time, so there was no need to have to stop now. As they covered more ground, he gained slight sightings of more evidence that suggested other creatures within these woods. The tracks of what seemed to be a wolf were soon more abundant. Kneeling to look at them for a moment, his ears caught track of some commotion further on within the trees. He tensed a bit, glancing back at his partner, seemed they had found something.