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Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurker
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 07-31-2014, 04:37 AM

"Rena I thought you sent the letter back already! What's this doing here again?" Katherine asked, showing her housemate an envelope.

"Wait, let me see that," Irena asked, "oh that's so weird! I guess he didn't get the message the first time."

If her fake ignorance was obvious Katherine didn't care because she simply rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Just tell this guy that Catherine doesn't live here anymore."

Irena nodded and swiveled back to her desk, feeling both scared and excited that he took the bait so readily. How long had it been? A week? A month? It was so hard to tell! As she expected, he still sounded dorky in his letter, but it was dorky in a cute way. It was like he was talking to an old flame...except for the part where he wasn't. He was writing to a girl that once existed but is now played by Irena. Good going.

But how to respond? The last time she'd vacationed in France was two years ago, but that was under entirely different circumstances than studying abroad. Ah yes, she remembered the utter look of disgust she had when her parents ate escargot for the first time and her subsequent self-loathing when she realized that it wasn't that bad. It was just...too hard to handle. Still, she supposed that remembering the food would be enough to satisfy Chase's questions and if she played her cards right, she could redirect the topic to him.

"Wait who is Daniella?"

She paused for a second, spinning the pen between her fingers, but quickly shrugged it off.

Dear Chase,

I'm honestly not sure either! I remember sending you a letter or two and trying to contact Daniella, but she always seems to be too busy to send anything back. It's understandable with the way life has turned out, but I'm sure she'll get back to me. I mean look at us, we've gone from not speaking at all to starting off letters with one another about our lives. It's not how I imagined getting back into contact, but I like the old school touch.

Oh and speaking of old school, you should still go check out some of France's older monuments even if you ARE an "Ireland, Greece, Italy" guy. Then again, you're much more well traveled than I am. It makes me wonder where else you've been Mr. Anthony Bourdain. I've only ever been to France and most of the time we spent in school, but when we DID try food, well you would not believe some of the weirdly expensive things they have. Some places serve tetines (cow udder) did you know that? And escargot? Eugh, I can't believe I ate that...and liked it. I think though, the weirdest thing my French buddies tried to make me eat was casgiu merzu. Imagine this nice, big wheel of cheese for all your friends and family being wheeled in and it starts being scooped out (because it's a soft cheese) and spread around your crackers, bread, and boom. You see all these white maggots wiggling around. It was pretty much the one thing I couldn't stomach on my trip.

Oh fun fact: apparently this originated in Italy, not France so your move Italy boy!

Anyway, it's pretty cool that you turned your life around and things are looking good for you. I mean it seems like a better story than hearing me babble around about going back to school and living in an apartment for four. It's pretty much just me, the semi-active one, two homebodies, and a girl that's basically never around. I guess I can't talk though since when I'm not studying, I'm doing sports/longboarding (which I guess is kind of like skateboarding but not really) and when I'm not doing that it's reading.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, you definitely need to tell me about your life!



Your move indeed. Now that she added a bit more personality to the letter would he remember who Catherine was, or keep playing along?