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: Dazed & Confused :
Narren7 is offline
Old 04-03-2015, 03:11 PM

I tend to not post very much anywhere now days because I'm sorta awkward.
But stories? Oh I have plenty of those just from living life and don't mind sharing.
First off, congrats on your baby! In light of that I think I'll go with one from helping to raise my niece.

So when my niece was a toddler, she had bowel issues. (Yeah we know this is not going to end well lol)
We would give her prunes off and on as her pediatrician suggested to help keep her uh regulated.
The only drawback was that she loved the darn things. Like really, really loved them.
As in "Wanna eat the whole box! YUM!"
We kept them stored up high so that she that couldn't get at them on her own and gorge herself.
Little booger got smart on us real fast. I was at school and my mom had dosed back off after I left one morning. (Uh oh!)
You know how they say silence is golden?
Um not when you have a toddler in the house it's not! It's alarming. It's suspicious.
It's really not going to end well -_-
So my mom is snoozing away and our beloved bratling uses a chair to get up to the counter top.
She mission impossibled herself across booty scootin that counter over to the overhead cabinets. SCORE!
She hit paydirt. By the time my mom woke up, she had emptied the box.
Around 12-15 big, fat, prunes... Oh dear God, be merciful please! X_x
When I got home that evening, if she breathed to hard, she went lol
We locked them inside of a little keyed safe after that.
My mom still kind of does this full body shudder to date when anyone says anything to do with prunes.
Anyhow I hope that you got a good giggle from that sad messy tale and have a nice day. :)

Last edited by Narren7; 04-05-2015 at 08:19 PM..