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Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 08-19-2012, 03:33 AM

Tip: Keep track of your learnings, abilities and titles in either a character journal or a third party word document.
Sagitta Tempus thus learned quite a few emotions that day and would be better prepared to understand them when he grew up further. He learned the numb feel of shock, the white hot feel of anger, the bright feel of joy, the giddy feel of freedom, the cold feel of fear and the smug feel of pride. It was quite a bit of learning for a mere few moments of life!

The little one learned a few abilities as well! Free Spirit, Hot Headed, Resentful and Prideful all have started to take their roots in the baby.

Sagitta is now considered a Newborn and a Ward for the remaining time he will stay in this birthing ward, which will take a few weeks at most.

As Sagitta's eyes adjusted to the light, the nurse took him in a small crib, still cooing at the little boy. She is acting quite differently from Mother!

What is she seeing when she look at Sagitta?