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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:48 AM

The other was acting peculiar once more, causing Yin to raise an eyebrow. Finally he was speaking, confirming that this was what he wanted. Yin raised his free hand, to follow through with the task, when the words that followed stopped him. He looked at the man, for once seeming to be caught off guard himself. What did he want? He had never been asked that, or expected to be asked that before by anyone. What did he want? The words repeated in his mind a few times, as he searched for the right words to answer the other with. "My freedom" he said finally, rather bluntly. "That is what I desire, but it is not free me, would be to doom the world in the eyes of many" he looked at him, "you do not know if I would stay or go...if I would let you live, or kill you where you stand." He let the words hang there for a moment, "would you honestly even let me soon after just obtaining me?"