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Dystopia is offline
Old 05-11-2016, 04:16 AM

... Oh. LOL. You can decide. Or you can just do multiple pieces I NEVER TIRE OF YOUR ART.

o. Annakitteh. She's not that special. She's a pretty generic kitty. She's black with brown eyes. Not very fluffeh. I like having her drawn with a cone of shame.

Generic black cat.

Cone of shame.

Improved cone of shame.

Fuck yo cone of shame.

Annakitteh, 99 done. By Chikyu.

idek. If you wanna make like a formal reference sheet thing for her that'd be cool. Pretty simple too since she's a pretty normal cat with like three distinct characteristics LOL. Or just a fullbody of her with the cone of shame doing w/e with it. Or I love your lil expression busts so we can do something like that too.

OR ALL OF THE ABOVE I have the rest of my hoard to throw at you I CAN DO THIS AS OLNG AS YOU WANT THINGS.


Why are cone of shame so funny. LOL.