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The March Hare
The March Hare is offline
Old 06-06-2007, 10:46 PM

  • Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice.
    A solid book about the life of a vampire written through an interview between a human and the vampire in question. The whole book is dialog but it's very engaging and interesting to read.

    Peeps by Scott Westerfeld.
    A very good book. It's about 'Peeps' or Parasite-positive people, basically vampires but not in the traditional sense. It's a new turn on vampirism, and although I didn't like the ending, it's still a good read. Plus there's tons of actual information about parasites that will make your skin crawl!

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
    Everyone's pretty much already said lots of praise for this so I won't beat the dead horse. xD
  • Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
    Just a cute book, lots of strange happenings and conversations that make you tilt your head to the side and go ".. Wait what?". Or in my friend's words, "Drug-induced fantasy."
  • The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop.
    Lots of love for this trilogy. It's hard to describe the book, but I would definitely recommend at least looking at a summary or something.
  • Anything by Nora Roberts.
    The books that I've read by her always have a strong story in them. They have unsuspecting twists, good characters and lovely romance.

Anyone have any recommendations for a space pirates book? xD