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Kiyoto is offline
Old 01-03-2013, 02:16 AM


Avias Styx

*About Me

*There is no question about it, I'm Male.

*My age is Seventeen.

*I am not sure about my sexuality, never really thought about it.

* I'm the type that (Personality)

* Who's Side am I on? That's an easy one...I am a member of Project H.E.R.O.

*I am a special case, for I am a technopath and technokenetic. I am able to comunicate or "talk" with machines by using my mind, as well as understand them. My mind is like a supercomputer, for I am able to open up "screnes" and connect to any technical database, computer or electronic in the world. I can "interface" with any electronic object, linking my mind with it, and moving or controling it in anyway I see fit. I am able to absorb electronic currents and power from machines, releasing it into a green form of energy that can be used in various forms or to power up other mutants/electronics. I have been refered to as a walking battery at times, since I am able to store large amounts of this energy within my body. I can disrupt electronic signals with my mind, or intercept them. Basically, if it has to do with machines, electronics, or the mind, I'm your guy.

*My Story
Avias grew up gifted from a very young age. Anything to do with the mind and needing him to think he quickly excelled at. He was placed in special classes, and soon placed in a special school. His parents were a doctor and a scientist, so most thought nothing of it, they were very proud of their son. He grew up with basically anything he could ever want, and he was very happy. He thought he was normal until he turned twelve. When he was in the computer lab at school he began hearing voices, touching the screen his eyes began to glow and the computers went crazy. The screens began to flash, and wires began to move on their own. The students began to get freaked out and be hurt. He was afraid of his powers.

His parrents found out about the incident, and had it paid off to disappear. They put him in another school, forbidding him to use his powers at all so he wouldn't soil the family name. He was approached soon after by members of the military, who had herd about the incident. He was afraid of people finding out and going against his parents. He would eventually enherit their fortune and buisiness and had the weight of the family name on his shoulder, but they gave him an oportunity to explore his powers and himself. He began taking only after school lessons, keeping them hidden from his parents. They eventually found out about it all and were furious with him. They wanted to keep him from using his powers, but the military's intrest in him refused to go away.

He soon decided at sixteen that he wanted his own life and to be his own person. He left his home and his parents, fully going into the military's program and care, working for them and continuing his school work there. He became a great asses with his mind and his abilities, until he was approached with the idea of the new Project H.E.R.O. He was honored that they wanted him, but once more his parents were furious. They tried whatever they could think of to bring him home, and get him to be the duitiful son they wanted him to be. They wanted him to ignore his powers and renounce them, but he felt that was renouncing who he was all together. He has refused to go home, resisting their threats, and has taken the military up on their offer, becoming the one of the youngest members on the team.