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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 12-31-2017, 05:11 AM

"No," Emery pouted, "I tried to stay up and see her just like we did with Santa last year, but it's like they know to come after you've fallen asleep. And she even got it under my pillow without waking me up! It must be magic!" Emery's eyes were wide as he spoke, unable to believe it.

Listening to Ms. Daisy, Emery nodded his head exuberantly, ready to agree to anything if it got her to let him and Samir sit next to each other. "We will, Ms. Daisy!!" He exclaimed, already pulling Samir away from the teacher to the two desk at the front over by the window. "You'll see, we work better together anyway!" He exclaimed, stating a simple truth that really encompassed everything about their relationship.

Ms. Daisy chuckled, "Of course, you do boys," she said, as other students started filing into the classroom, "I wouldn't expect it to be any other way." She shook her head as she turned away to look for her roster on her desk, not that she wasn't familiar with most of the children already. These two boys really were something, Emery all overflowing energy to Samir's calmness, but they just clicked in that way those tied did. She wondered if it was a little strange to be envious of two children, but considering she wasn't tied yet, maybe it wasn't too surprising.

Emery settled into the seat closest to the window, and directed Samir to the one next to him, "This is going to be the best!" He whisper-exclaimed, "We can work on all our projects together and everything!" He was practically vibrating in his seat from excitement, and it was only the fact that he wanted to show Ms. Daisy that they could handle this that he wasn't bouncing around the whole room. Not that his promise to pay attention lasted the full class, his attention constantly flicking out the window, getting distracted by birds and squirrels throughout the course of the class. But honestly asking Emery to sit completely still for more than fifteen minutes, was just asking too much.