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Old 05-15-2017, 05:27 PM

Friday, May 12, 2017

My new pillow worked out pretty well! I slept really well and when I woke up my neck was feeling much better. The morning went all right but I ended up having another fight with my friend over messenger this afternoon. It upset me pretty bad and I ended up going to my boyfriend’s place after work so that he could try to cheer me up. We ended up ordering some food and watching another episode of 13 Reasons Why. I’m honestly starting to question this show. It feels like the main character is going crazy and it’s getting pretty uncomfortable to watch. I’m really not sure I’ll continue watching it.

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Honestly it feels like I’ve been doing a lot of running around in circles with my friend lately. Things will be going okay then there will be an argument, we’ll both get upset, eventually we’ll make up, then get upset again, it’s really been a vicious, taxing cycle. V_V

Saturday, May 13, 2017

I hardly slept last night. My throat started hurting really bad just before bed and the pain kept me awake most of the night. I woke up feeling pretty crappy and the weather outside was rainy and miserable which was quite unexpected. I had plans to go to the cat café for a Korean barbeque event with my BF. We thought about cancelling because of the weather and the fact that I wasn’t feeling well but we ended up going anyway. It was a bit of a washout with the rain but it was fun to see the kitties. After that we headed back to my place and took turns playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’m very close to finishing the starting area!

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Oh no! The weather was so lame today. I really wish it hadn’t put such a damper on the BBQ event. That and getting sick! It really sucks…

Sunday, May 14, 2017

I took some sleeping pills and was finally able to sleep last night and woke up feeling quite a bit better. I’m super thankful for that. I played a bit more Zelda in the morning and glided down into the next area of the game! The world is so huge, it’s hard to decide where to go from here… Eventually I gave up and took a shower and had some lunch. I cleaned my apartment and called my dad on facetime to see his two new cocker spaniel puppies. I got to name one Bento! My sister named the other one Brooks. After I hung up with him, I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and ended up talking to her for a while. Then I worked up the courage to text my friend back to see what we could do about our friendship issues and got on Mene to do some work. That took quite a while and it was kind of late by the time I finished but I really wanted to play a bit more Zelda so I played for an hour or so before giving up and going to bed.

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R is for…relaxation! I was really hoping to get more relaxing in today but I guess I should be happy for at least having a bit of time to relax and play video games.

Monday, May 15, 2017

I took another sleeping pill last night and slept really well. I’m kind of afraid of getting emotionally addicted to them but things have been difficult for me lately and it’s quite a relief to get some sleep. So far the day has gone relatively well. The weather is windy but much nicer than the cold rain we had on Saturday and work has been relatively calm because the big boss isn’t in today. Hopefully the rest of the day will go smoothly until quitting time. Afterwards I plan on stopping at the store to pick up a few things to make chicken quesadillas for dinner and then I’ll probably try to get a few things done. I’m hoping to have a bit more time to play Zelda as well. I’m really quite surprised by how much I am enjoying that game so far given how different it is from the previous titles.

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I’m such a cookie monster. I have a real soft spot for sweets, especially cookies! My favorite home made cookies are classic chocolate chip. My dad is coming to visit soon and my stepmom should hopefully be sending me some homemade orange cookies! I can’t wait…