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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-09-2015, 03:49 PM

Rory's ears rotated this way and that, keeping her attention to the darkness of the forest beyond. The power of the island was still rich, she could feel it buzzing in her core, but even when she had come with her sister, the two never figured out what the source was. She trotted along with the blonde wolf girl, between the two of them, she felt safer knowing things would have a harder time creeping up on them. Once they got to the pond, the brunette sad at the water's edge and dipped her hand in as she looked further into the water. There were fish and soon after they two arrived, frogs started chirping again; the water's could support life which was a plus.

Reno didn't seem so sure which drew the other woman's gaze up. "The water looks safe," she reassured the woman as she made a face and started poking the water. Rory chuckled slightly, Faline hated the water and the woman before her seemed to act very much the same way. "It's not as bad as you think it is," she said as she scooped the fluid up into her hands taking a drink. She then dipped her hands back into the water and held them out to the girl. "Try it, it's safe, I promise," she said, her voice and eyes warm. "It'll make you feel better after your Goobie pinched you."

Fortunately the woman had remembered to grab a bucket as she was being pulled into the woods, so once she convinced Reno it was safe, they would be good to fill it up and return.