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EltiaskWolffe is offline
Old 06-11-2015, 12:35 AM

"Hey, we don't make sense either. I mean, look at you. You can resurface memories I had locked deep within my mind, and I have an overwhelming natural killing instinct. We're past the whole 'making sense' part, dear." Eltiask spoke with a subtle hint of a smile dancing on his lips. Yes, somehow in a deep zone in his mind, the hunter was finding the whole situation somewhat hilarious. He even laughed ironically as he leaned on the tree he had previously punched. His bright turquoise eyes fixed themselves on Protegée's, silently telling her that he understood what she was going through. "Your trip was all that they needed. You went looking for answers, and they don't like that. They don't want us to know a single thing about who we really are."

The hunter then pushed himself off the tree in an effortless movement and walked up to her. His chest wound had already healed, but traces of blood ran down his torso, as if they were crimson rivers against snow. "Listen," he said with that rough voice of his, "I know you're smart with computers. I need information. If we are going to fight in this war, and I'm sure as hell we will, I need to know who are we fighting. Don´t worry about safety. I cant keep this place off-limits as long as needed. You'll be safe, but I need to know who are they and what they want with us both. Can you do that?"