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ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-25-2018, 02:58 AM

January 24
Prompt: Pretty is power
i am 100% a prettyboy, and proud of it. i don't like the idea that you have to be pretty to be powerful, though. :/ i mean, there's definitely power in taking control of your own appearance (eg. makeup), but you're not inherently any less powerful if you're not pretty.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

La luna y las estrellas me llevan hacia ti
Yo sólo puedo estar feliz si estás aquí.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Swords

Severe and austere, the Queen of Swords personifies an ideal of wisdom, intelligence, and brilliance, matured from delusions, privations, or from problems that were dealt with and overcome. On her shoulders rests the heavy weight of these experiences that have nevertheless served as an enrichment and not as a motive for vendetta or wickedness.
Advice of the Dead: Your experience will enable you to deal with and better manage whatever happens, directing it towards positive and constructive outcomes.

The Wild Unknown: 6 of Pentacles

Prosperity, Growth, Generosity.
The Six of Pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use.
Note: if the former is my case, then it refers to academic pursuits. i feel prepared for my classes, and i think this card is saying i need to "share the wealth" by working with my other classmates and being generous with my knowledge.

Twin Peaks: 10 of Wands

Overextending, trying to do too much, feeling burdened, never having time to relax. Struggling, fighting uphill, experiencing resistance, laboring.
Note: it feels overwhelming how much i'm planning to try to do this semester, and if i try to push myself to do everything every day, this will be my future.

Homestuck: XIII Death

Bringing something to a close, moving from one phase to another. Trimming excess. Being acted upon by outside forces, the inescapable.

Rider Waite: 2 of Pentacles reversed

Loss of Balance, Disorganized, Overwhelmed.
In your day-to-day life, the reversed Two of Pentacles suggests that you are very busy and at times you struggle to manage your activities and commitments. You may also be struggling to manage your finances and to stay on top of paying bills and keeping abridge of other financial commitments. The stress is getting to you and you are becoming easily overwhelmed by your responsibilities. Therefore, this card encourages you to become more organized and more planned in your approach. You may need to bring a little more structure to your day-to-day affairs, through budgets, ‘to do’ lists, forward planning or diary and effective time management. Life is certainly a juggling act, so make sure you are on top of everything you need to be!
Note: this ties in with the 10 of Wands Twin Peaks gave me. i think this means i'm not doing the best job of balancing my tasks at the moment.

Diary entry:
went to the transfer student meet n greet, and they had chicken strips with honey mustard and pita with spinach-artichoke dip, and i met another autistic person! she's really into working with cross-disabled communities, and studies policy for disabled people. it was really interesting listening to her talk about it. then i hung out at the GSRC for a while and made a couple potential friends (one i even swapped instagrams and phone numbers with :0) so now there'll be familiar faces when i go. and i went again after class and made more potential friends. so many names to try to remember. @_@ class was great! we started on the course material the second half of class, and i really like this teacher. also, i met another trans guy (i think) in class, he said he liked my necklace and that he has a rhodochrosite necklace. i hope i get to work with him in the future. his name is Dorian which is such a fckn cool name.